For the fourth year in succession Frontier Advisors has been rated at the top of asset consulting firms operating in Australia according to the most recent Peter Lee Associates Investment Management survey. This year the survey captured the opinions of 113 senior Australian institutional investors, including 29 clients commenting on Frontier – a record number.
In addition to achieving the highest score of all consultants in the overall Relationship Strength Index, which sums the most important attributes respondents rate in their asset consultant, Frontier was also ranked first in nine of thirteen individual categories demonstrating a strong market endorsement across the spectrum of areas reviewed. Additionally, Frontier also recorded the highest Net Promoter Score of any firm covered by the survey.
Areas Ranked Number One in Australia
Domestic Manager Research | Dynamic/Tactical Advice | Strategic Investment Advice |
Capability of Consultant | Quality of Service | Performance Against Benchmarks |
Digital Research Database | Digital Analytic Tools | Reasonable Fees |
It is obviously very pleasing to receive this level of endorsement from our clients and we are grateful for those who were able to participate. The results enable us to gauge our progress, identify areas where we can do more, and provide a measure of our improvement year on year. Our clients benefit as well by receiving assurance in relation to the market assessment of our service and advice.
Of course we constantly seek feedback throughout the year and I always enjoy the opportunity to speak with our clients directly to understand the areas where we are meeting, or hopefully exceeding expectations, and any areas where we can add more value. I look forward to continuing that dialogue with you whenever possible.