Philip Naylor and Fisher Yu, from our Capital Markets and Asset Allocation Team, have been invited to take part in the University of Melbourne’s Finance Department’s inaugural Practitioner-in-Residence program.
As contributors to the program, Philip and Fisher will engage with students from the University’s Finance faculty discussing emerging issues in investments and working to create the next generation of institutional investment professionals. The invitation will also be a further step in building research partnerships between Melbourne University and Frontier, with Philip and Fisher taking part in joint research with leading academics from the University’s faculty as part of the program.
Investment at the institutional level is not only fuelling major employment growth in the finance sector but is becoming increasingly complex and quantitatively driven as investors seek new and more technical ways to build portfolios and find stronger and less volatile investment returns.
Frontier has been boosting the specialist knowledge and quantitative capability into our business through a range of initiatives, including a PhD internship program. This program sees PhD students take part in a six-month internship program at the firm. Earlier this year Frontier welcomed its first set of interns with Vivian Xu from Melbourne University and Yvonne Fang from RMIT University. Both are simultaneously completing PhD’s in finance while working in Frontier’s investment strategy team.
Frontier CEO, Andrew Polson, hopes building closer links with the University sector will reap dividends not just for the students and the firm itself, but will bring a new cohort of investment professionals into a fast-growing industry hungry for resources.
“People with strong quantitative finance skills are highly sought for investors and their advisers. If we can open up the idea of a career in investment strategy and aligned areas, by working directly with universities and their students, not only are we helping bring valuable skills and knowledge into our firm, and the sector more broadly, but we will be giving students visibility of a career path they may otherwise have not considered”, Polson said.