Welcome to Frontier Advisors’ first annual Responsible Investment Report, which covers the 2022 calendar year. This report provides an overview of how Frontier approaches responsible investment in helping our clients manage material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues through our research and advisory efforts and in particular highlights key achievements across 2022.
I know from my experience at the PRI that responsible investment considerations are becoming more critical for asset owners across the globe. Joining the Frontier Advisors Board in late 2021, I was pleased to learn more about Frontier’s impressive and practical approach to responsible investment. With both dedicated responsible investment professionals and a cross- functional advisory group, Frontier has adopted an integrated responsible investment approach to support clients to better manage ESG risks and generate sustainable long-term returns. As a member of the Board, I am delighted to have the opportunity to provide direction and input to the firm’s responsible investment program.
The ESG challenges and opportunities impacting investments continue to develop and evolve, as does the broader markets awareness, knowledge and practices on the ground. Accordingly, in 2022 Frontier Advisors revisited, reviewed and developed a revised, all-encompassing responsible investment approach to guide our future activities. In this report, we provide an overview of our activities across these categories of work. I hope you enjoy reading this 2022 Responsible Investment Report.
– Fiona Reynolds.