We are delighted to welcome Cecily Williams to our team. Cecily joins us as a Principal Consultant, based in Sydney, and working in a client facing role across a range of sectors, including insurance and superannuation investors.
Cecily is well known within the industry having most recently spent close to twenty-five years with Mercer, including a period as Head of Retail Consulting. Over that time she was lead consultant for a number of Mercer’s major clients across several segments. Prior to Mercer, Williams worked for ten years at NSW Treasury Corporation.
Frontier Director of Consulting, Kim Bowater, is looking forward to welcoming our latest addition. “Cecily is a highly respected and very astute adviser and we’re really happy to add her to our team. Her expertise in fixed income asset classes, along with her experience in the retail and insurance sectors, will be particularly valuable for the Sydney-based clients we are adding in these areas. Cecily is an excellent appointment for us.”
Frontier has made two other appointments in Sydney over the last year and we’re hoping to announce more new starters there in the coming weeks.